Here is the fragment again:
Whenever Rosita makes microwave popcorn.

You correctly identified the fragment as a subordinate clause. Whenever, the subordinate conjunction that begins the clause, is the clue.

To fix this fragment, you could remove the subordinate conjunction, like this:

Rosita makes microwave popcorn.

Or you could use Punctuation Rule 1:

Main Clause + Ø + Subordinate Clause.

The correction would look like this:

The dogs begin to drool whenever Rosita makes microwave popcorn.

Or you could use Punctuation Rule 2:

Subordinate Clause + , + Main Clause.

And the correction would look like this:

Whenever Rosita makes microwave popcorn, the dogs begin to drool.

Congratulations! You have finished Exercise 4!

Go to Exercise 5.

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