Here is the fragment again:
Kissing the wet frog in hopes of getting a cool prize.

You correctly identified the fragment as a participle phrase. Kissing, the present participle that begins the phrase, is the clue.

To fix this fragment, you could add a subject and verb, modifying the phrase like this:

Despite the jeers from the crowd, Petra kissed the wet frog in hopes of getting a cool prize.

Or you could use Punctuation Rule 3:

Main Clause + , + Participle Phrase.

The correction would look like this:

Petra said a prayer and puckered her lips, kissing the wet frog in hopes of getting a cool prize.

Or you could use Punctuation Rule 4:

Participle Phrase + , + Main Clause.

And the correction would look like this:

Kissing the wet frog in hopes of getting a cool prize, Petra gagged and wiped her mouth with her shirt sleeve.

Wear that crown with pride!

Go to the next fragment.