Item 10

Directions: Read the item below. Then answer the questions that follow.

At the campus coffee cart, Gini makes the best drinks her sweet cream latte, a blend of vanilla ice cream and espresso, will put on the pounds, but its cool, smooth taste is worth a trip to the gym.

Is this item a comma splice? If you believe it is a comma splice, use your mouse to choose the left door below. A comma splice, remember, is two complete sentences incorrectly joined with a comma.

Or is the item a fused sentence? If you believe it is a fused sentence, then use your mouse to choose the right door. A fused sentence occurs when a writer incorrectly runs together two complete sentences with absolutely no punctuation.

Either way you win a prize—but only the correct choice is a cool cyber prize!

left door = comma splice

Comma Splice?

right door = fused sentence

Fused Sentence?